What is the biggest question you have about BJJ? We're on it!

To take Renzo Gracie Online Academy to a new level of interaction, I have decided to make an offer that is going to help a lot of people. Including you.

If you enroll in the program and opt for the yearly payment, you will have the right to send us a question. It won't be a draw or a contest -- nothing involving luck. You ask; we analyze and record the answer. How about that?

So what is your burning question in BJJ?


Renzo, I'm a white-belt, I've been training for six months and a half, and I have a lot of difficulty opening the closed guard. Can you help me?

Matt O’Reilly - Boston, MA


Renzo Gracie and his team of specialists bring exclusive content to you every week

A common challenge for those who want to improve their game is to organize training constancy and flow, identifying weaknesses to overcome, and work it all into their routine. To solve this problem, we have done intensive research with Master Renzo Gracie, who dedicates a big part of his life to teaching the gentle art. Renzo and his team have built a weekly lessons program to supplement your training, routines, and your lifestyle in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.